Resources and Tools
Tools to help your business marketing website flourish.
setup TOOLS
This helps to configure Google Analytics to not track you when you visit your site.
- Use it now >>(your IP will be displayed at the top of the page)
After you have the IP Address, send it to us and we’ll configure your Analytics account. You might want to send us your home and work IP address (run the tool from each location).
Marketing TOOLS
This persona creator from HubSpot is a must use tool to describe your personas. Don’t quite understand personas yet, that’s fine the tool has a great overview.
This is a nice tool for collaborating on visually stunning presentations , reports and documents.
Free version and premium version. The free version is pretty good!
WordPress Tools
Getting started with the DIVI Builder
The DIVI Builder is a fantastic plugin which makes editing your website content a dream.
Data Tools
Google forms are free and quite powerful. Instead of needing a developer to design, build and maintain a custom form based solution, you can do it all yourself using Google Forms. We use them in lots of our business process management instead of coding them ourselves, even though we could if we wanted to!
DEsign Tools
This is the default wire framer we use. Please use this to mock up forms for your apps or website.
Price: Free!