How to earn an extra $800 pw selling digital strategy
& website subscriptions
while working from anywhere, anytime!

Imagine earning instant sales commission and recurring monthly residual payments just for being friendly and talking to business owners.

All you have to do is ask them a few simple questions to qualify them and then let our awesome value packed subscriptions marketing materials do the selling for you.


  • Earn from $99 to $799 instantly for each subscription you sign (the commission is equal to a month’s subscription price)
  • Earn 10% of the subscription value each month for 12 months (between $9.90 and $79.90)
  • Current sales reps average one sale per 15 businesses contacted
  • Full training, promotional materials, branded apparel and discount vouchers supplied
  • You own an area. We won’t saturate areas with reps. First in best dressed!

How it works:

If you sign up 3 x Lager, 2 x IPA subscriptions per week you will earn almost $700 in commissions! Plus you will earn $70 in recurring commissions! After 12 months you will be earning over $2200 per month in recurring commissions meaning you earn that even if you take a holiday or are sleeping. You’ll be then earning about $5800 per month. And that’s not even selling our popular App Subscriptions!

All this for contacting only 15-20 businesses in your local area per day.

  • Ideal for single parents
  • Full training provided. You only need a basic understanding of the internet and marketing
  • Can be a great second source of income

To apply you must;

  • Be committed
  • Be over 18 years old
  • Provide own transport (it’s an income tax claimable expense)
  • Complete an application and sign an Ethical Operator Agreement

03Enter your name & Email

We will send you an Application Form and Info Pack.

03Complete Application

Send back your completed Application Form and signed Ethical Operator Agreement.

03Wait for Approval

Once approved, we’ll send you all the materials you need including promotional and marketing items.

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